Birds on a Wire Moms

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Come To Me...

I think as moms, we are weary and burdened. We all desperately need rest, no matter the age of our children or our season of life. And so we try different things to bring us rest, a long afternoon nap while the children are napping or at school, a weekend getaway with friends, a walk around the neighborhood to clear our minds, a bubble bath, a glass of wine, etc.

But after 30 years of being a mom, I can tell you in all honesty, spending time with Jesus is the only thing that truly brings me complete rest. Matthew records these words of Jesus:

'“Come to me all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.”

-Matthew 11:28

He longs to give you rest, momma! In your journey of motherhood, go to Jesus on a regular basis, and lay your burdens at his feet. Lay the child that you can’t seem to reach at his feet and say, “Jesus, I lay my child at your feet and pray you will give me wisdom on how to parent him.” Lay your broken relationship with your mother down at his feet and cry out for help. Lay down the expectations that you cannot meet, the dreams for your life that don’t seem to be coming true…lay it all down before Him. Then take up the rest that only Jesus gives.

It may sound too easy, but momma, Jesus wants to give you what only He can provide. Take Him up on it this week and let me know how it goes.