Birds on a Wire Moms

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They Aren't Dying, They're Just Heading Off to a New School Year!

Moms, my Tip on Motherhood this week is pretty simple. Motherhood doesn’t end when your kids go off to college! I know many of you are sending your kids out into a new season of their lives this month and whether that’s a mother’s morning out program, Kindergarten, their freshman year of high school, or if it’s college… I want to encourage you to try to enjoy the process! Your child is not dying, just going to college (or pre-school…or high school…), they will return home and they will still need you, I promise!

2 Timothy 1:7 tells us that “God does not give us a spirit of fear, but power, love and self control.” Try not to give in to the spirit of fear! Remember to take captive your negative thoughts (especially if you easily become fearful) and replace them with God’s truth. It is good and right for your child to mature into this new season of their lives.

If your child is at the stage of heading off to college, also remember that these four years are for learning, but also for maturing emotionally, spiritually, and relationally. Take a deep breath, take three giant steps back, and let the process happen.

You will be amazed by how much they grow up this year!