Birds on a Wire Moms

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Re-Connecting This Fall

Are you finding that after 6 months of social distance and pandemic life you have lost touch not only with your community, but with yourself a little bit too? I think this fall we all need to figure out how we can establish healthy routines for re-connecting given the new normal. Here are my thoughts:

#1 Re-Connect With YOU

Regardless of your children’s age, we’ve had so much together time as families this year, I want to encourage you to carve out for yourself this Fall. I think moms needs 1-2 hours a day for quiet time! That may seem impossible, but when you make it a priority (an “Essential”) I think you’ll start to find the time. During that time do something for yourself. Whether you talk to a friend on the phone or FaceTime, sit on your back porch and look at a magazine, read a book, listen to music, whatever it is, do something that is life giving for you! 

#2 Re-Connect With COMMUNITY

Here are some ways the mommas in our BOAW community have been staying connected during this time:

  • During COVID I started using the Marco Polo app with a few friends and I’m telling you, it’s been a game changer!  I love leaving video messages for my friends and seeing what they are doing and sharing what’s going on in our lives this way. Most of the friends I am connecting with live outside of Atlanta, so it’s a way to keep a long distance friendship closer. 

  • One mom has a neighborhood gathering every Friday afternoon after the kids finish school but before dinner. One driveway is nominated as the gathering space and neighbors bring their lawn chairs to talk and catch up from 4pm-6pm. Nothing fancy - no food or expectations. Just face time and friendship!

  • Several moms have begun new BOAW small groups during this season. You can pick any curriculum (we think Mom Core is a great one to choose first) but just start! You will love the interaction with other moms and the community. There is nothing like having a group that “gets  you.” 

  • Finally, gather for Soar Together with BOAW! I promise this year of all years you are not going to want to miss it- we are going global! Any mom anywhere can join us. Soar is not bound by time or location this year and we want you to be with us! Learn more here or grab your ticket today.