Birds on a Wire Moms

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Getting Quality Time with Your Teenager

The fact that your child might not want to hang out with you is perfectly normal in the teenage stage of life. I didn’t say it was fun, but it is normal! Teens don’t love to hang out with their adult parents all that much, but here are a few tips that might keep them hanging around your house a bit more:

1. Create a space that is FOR them.

Maybe it’s your basement, a room over the garage, or the old playroom. Remove the old toys or little kid stuff from the space and invest in a comfortable couch or a few chairs. It doesn’t need to be fancy or cool, as long your kids know it’s FOR them. And try your best to give them some space when they are hanging out there!

2. Encourage them to invite their friends over to hang out.

Get to know their friends! Know their names, where they live, and what they are into. If your child’s friends feel comfortable and welcome in your home, they’ll want to hang out there. And if your kids’ friends want to be in your home… odds are good your kids will want to be there too!

3. Provide good snacks!

It goes without saying that food = favor with teenagers. Again, it doesn’t have to be fancy. Be the house that always has Bagel Bites or Doritos. Let your kids know they can always offer their friends some food. It’s an investment that will pay off in quality time.

4. Get into your teen’s world, don’t expect them to get into yours.

What are their hobbies, their goals in life, their dreams? Be interested in what they are interested in. Even if it bores you to tears or you just don’t understand it, asking questions and listening will help you get to know your teen and that is always interesting!

5. Be available.

They aren’t necessarily going to want quality time when it’s convenient for you. If they want to talk late at night, grab a cup of coffee, prop your eyelids open with toothpicks if you have to and listen. If they want to open up when they come home from school, pause your to-do list and be ready to listen.