Birds on a Wire Moms

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Why You Need to Make Time for Community

Our Heavenly Father created us for community. The desire within you and within me to have others around us is a good thing, something hardwired within us by God. God himself is never alone, because He is in constant community as part of the Trinity! And we are made in His image, mommas. We were made for community and relationship.

But community can be hard to come by in a mom’s world. Maybe you feel trapped by your baby’s sleep schedule and too tired to make the effort. Maybe you’re overloaded between the demands of work and home life. or your afternoons are full because you’re playing taxi driver for your kids. Or maybe after a long day, it just feels easier to turn on Netflix instead of making a phone or meeting for coffee. I get it moms. I have been in each of those stages, and I know what it’s like.

But here’s the thing, God has called into relationship and community for a reason. He knows we need others and others desperately need us. You will feel refreshed and renewed when you make time in your week for intentionally connecting with others in real life. I promise! Here are a few suggestions if you’re struggling with this right now:

  1. Make the first move! Text a friend and set up a play date with the kids or a kid-free lunch if your children are older. Don’t just say, “we should get together soon!” even though I know we are all guilty of that. Text a specific date and get something on the calendar. Be okay if something comes up and they cancel – that happens a lot in this season - but keep on trying!

  2. Be a friend. Look around and see if there is anyone in your life that seems like they could use a friend – then see how you can be a friend to them.

  3. Look around for a group to join, and if you can’t find what you’re looking for, start your own group! There are so many options these days. Whether it’s a meet up at the park to walk with strollers, a monthly book club, or (of course) a Birds on a Wire group. BOAW groups often start in a neighborhood. A neighbor may not be all that interested in coming to church with you, but they will often come if invited to a moms group. How incredible would it be to be a part of a story like that in your community?

  4. Pray and ask God to show you which relationships to invest in! Be specific. God wants to help us make the most of our days and spend our time wisely. Ask him to show you the importance of community and to give you the energy to make the effort.