Birds on a Wire Moms

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Studying God's Word

During the month of April, BOAW is focusing on spiritual disciplines in the lives of Christians. The first discipline we’re looking at together is studying God’s Word. I just have to share this question that we got from a mom in our community and that Sunny and I answered on Wire Talk this week, because it’s so real:

“I’m a very busy mama of three. Total chaos manager. And I’m one tired very blue mama.

My tank is nearly empty. I am craving quiet time. Mostly time with God but also just to think or hear myself breathe! I am having a hard time getting that quiet time in I try to get up early, but the kids have mom-dar and know my eyes are open and then they get up.

So, how do mamas get that time in your Bible and with Jesus? I really am that mama who would love to sit on the deck in the quiet with my Bible or devotional and coffee and take deep breaths.”

Don’t you just love that phrase “total chaos manager”? Raise your hand if you can relate. Moms, I KNOW this one is hard, it is hard for me too! My oldest, Kelsey, was in middle school when I realized that I needed to figure this one out, because I needed more biblical wisdom in order to raise her!

It takes a lot of discipline to study God’s Word, and it’s one thing we may not feel we have a lot of time for, but it is WORTH IT! (Aren’t all the best things in life hard, but worth it?) Here are some things to try if you want to read your Bible more often but aren’t sure how to make it work:

  1. Let go of your idea of what it’s “supposed” to look like. Instead of an hour away, grab 10-15 minutes and ask God to make the most of those minutes. If you are a mom who craves quiet, silence, or alone time, confess that to God, and let Him know the desires of your heart. Sometimes just admitting out loud that we aren’t getting what we want makes it easier to bear. If you’re not sure where to begin, I like the gospel of John.

  2. Change up your routine. Instead of reading the Bible, try listening to it! We love listening through YouVersion while we’re doing things around the house. Try listening to a version you don’t usually read, like The Message, to bring a freshness to the Word. There’s a podcast called The Bible Recap that walks you through reading the entire Bible with short accompanying podcast episodes, so you can better understand what you just read.

  3. Try memorizing Scripture. Choose a verse and write it on your mirror, where you are getting dressed, put it in your car, etc. If you want it to be pretty, use our Moments with God or Tips on Motherhood cards that we designed for this very purpose. There’s even a company out there that makes temporary tattoos designed to help you memorize Scripture! Focus on one verse per week or a longer passage per month. Hiding the Word in your heart means you can reflect on Scripture anytime, anywhere.

The most important tip I can give you moms, is don’t give up. Don’t give up because it’s not ideal, or it’s not easy, or you’re not “getting much done.” I love this passage in Isaiah about God’s Word:

As the rain and the snow
come down from heaven,
and do not return to it
without watering the earth
and making it bud and flourish,
so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater,
so is my word that goes out from my mouth:
It will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire
and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

Isaiah 55:10-11

Studying the Word will always bear fruit in your life. You will learn more of God’s character and more about His kingdom. Your heart will be changed, and your mom life will be better off for it. Share your favorite tips for getting more time in the Word with us in the comments!