Birds on a Wire Moms

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Building Up a Lifetime of Strength

How many of you moms have ever prayed and asked God for strength? I have, many times throughout my journey as a mom. I’ve prayed for strength in different ways with different children.

I prayed for strength when Kelsey was 9-months-old and Greg was gone on a six month long cruise. I prayed for the kind of strength to endure those six months and finish strong.

I’ve prayed for strength when one of my children has been very sick and they needed me to be strong, because they felt weak and scared. Even when we, as moms feel weak, we have to pull it together to be strong for our children.

I’ve prayed for strength when my children were younger and I would want to laugh at their disobedience because they were so darn cute, but then I’d tell myself, “I need to be strong here and teach them that is the wrong behavior, even though I think they are adorable.”

Other times I’ve prayed for strength when my child has came to me crying from hurt feelings from friends or broken relationships. I’ve had to be strong and not allow myself to call the parent of the child and give them a few choice words. I’ve had to be strong and hold my tongue because I’m the mature one after all…right?

Here is the truth: strength is built up over time. 

A non-runner can’t instantly become a marathoner over night.  Training, work, pain, time, exhaustion and feelings of defeat are all part of the process to gain strength to run a race.  In order to become strong, we have to go through the hard stuff.  Life is just like training for a race…it’s hard.  But running involves a choice. We can choose to run or not to run.  However, in life we don’t get to choose if difficult things will come your way. Difficult times will come. But, it is through the difficult times that your strength muscles are stretched. No wonder you say it’s painful…because it is! What you will find in the end is that you will be a stronger woman.

Moms, I get that this job is hard! It’s honestly the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but I’m a better, stronger woman from being a mom and for that I am very grateful! Reach out to your Heavenly Father when you are feeling weak and tired…He will give you the strength you need to continue this race of motherhood…and finish strong.