Birds on a Wire Moms

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Dealing With A Defiant Toddler

Which mom out there HASN’T had a moment when your toddler screamed, ‘NO!’ at you in public or in front of your in laws or friends? I know I’ve been there and trust me moms, we’ve all been there!

Defiance is natural in a toddler. Honestly, it’s natural in all of us sinners! But that doesn’t mean it’s okay. When a toddler shouts, “NO!” or throws a tantrum, they are doing that to get what they want. The best thing to do is simply not give in. When you give in, you lose ground.

My advice is to address the situation by saying something (calmly) like, “I’m sorry you aren’t happy, but the way you are acting is not acceptable.”  Then don’t give them anymore attention. Our toddlers are smart as whips. They are watching you like a hawk, so be strong momma!

If the temper tantrum persists, physically pick them up and go put them in their crib or in a playpen.  Let them know when they settle down they can rejoin you.

If they pull a limp noodle on your or fall out on the floor, just walk away and carry on with your activities. Usually they will stop when they notice you are not giving in.

Above all else moms, be consistent. So often a mom will do this a few times and it works, and then one time it won’t work and she’ll lose heart and try a totally different tactic for dealing with their defiance. Obedience takes time and consistency. Keep it up momma, you are doing a great job.