Birds on a Wire Moms

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5 Keys to Disciplining Well

Discipline is one of the hardest parts of being a mom and it’s the number one topic I get asked about. I bet we could do a hundred Tips all about discipline and still not cover all the questions moms have.

No matter what the question is, my advice usually comes back to the five things I’ve listed below. So here you have it mommas, Karen Stubbs’ Five Keys to Disciplining Well.

  1. One size does not fit all.

    I had four children and each of them responded differently to discipline. If time-outs do not change the behavior of your child the next time that particular situation arises, then time-outs may not be effective.

    Get creative! Think about what your child’s “currency” is. For instance, do they love playing with their friends after their homework is done? Try taking that privilege away the next time they need discipline and see if that method is effective. For teenagers, cars and phones, going out with friends and accessing social media are all privileges that can be revoked if needed for discipline.

  2. Be consistent.

    I say this all the time, but it is foundational moms. Do not give up on your attempts at discipline after one, two, or even three times.

    Keep at it. It sounds simple and I know it’s not easy, but it is better when your children know what to expect.

  3. Set expectations.

    Before going into the grocery store, doctor office, church, etc, communicate to your children what behavior you are wanting to see from them. You are training your children and just like an athlete, they are not going to have perfect performance every time.

    If you continue to remind them what kind of behavior is expected, eventually they will internalize the “rules” for the doctor’s office and eventually, they will learn to obey them.

  4. You are the boss.

    That’s all. You are the boss, momma. Don’t apologize for it!

  5. Do the hard work early on.

    Trust me mommas, it will make your job easier in the long run.

    During the early years you are laying a foundation. The smoother the foundation is, the sturdier your building will be.

Try not to get discouraged when their behavior doesn’t change quickly, it takes a lifetime to train up a child. Remember last week’s talk about enduring - the main thing for you is not to give up. Follow BOAW on a daily basis, we are here for you, cheering you on! You got this moms!