Birds on a Wire Moms

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What Fills Your Cup, Mom?

If you’ve been following the podcast and the blog this month, you know we’ve been focused on the idea of Self Care. We’ve talked about caring for our friendships, our marriages, but today I want you to think about prioritizing yourself.

Prioritizing yourself can be the hardest habit to start. I think we often confuse prioritizing ourselves with selfishness. Those two terms are not synonymous!

Just like your marriage, you have to make small deposits into yourself to stay healthy. These deposits will look different for all women, but every woman needs to take care of herself. You cannot pour out to your family if your vessel is empty!

We’re all different and so, of course, we need different things. Self care could be in the form of exercise, pursuing a hobby you love, scheduling lunch or dinner with a friend, reading a book, or taking a nap in the hammock outside.

When my kids were little, self care looked like asking Greg to put the kids to bed while I did the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen in the quiet! Now that my kids are out of the house, self-care looks like calling a friend and meeting up for lunch. Sunny mentioned on Wire Talk this week that lighting a particular candle is self care for her…I love that! It doesn’t have to be a “spa day” to be self care.

Remember, what filled your cup as a 25 year old might not be what your 35 year old self needs.

This week, ask yourself, what can I realistically work into my routine that would energize me? If you are at a loss, try journaling a list of things that bring you joy. Is there a way to incorporate those things into your day?

We do not need to feel guilty for making ourselves a priority, moms. You cannot pour from an empty cup!