Birds on a Wire Moms

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Growing Up Is Not The Enemy

Watching your little boy make the transition from a rambunctious ball of energy to a dating, driving, shaving young man, isn’t easy on a momma’s heart. We don’t always want our babies to grow up and leave the house, so we do things either intentionally or unintentionally that keep them from becoming the men they need to grow into. Moms, growing up is not the enemy! Our boys are trying to become men and we need to set them up for success by giving him things to be responsible for and opportunities to be independent. We need to allow our boys to “own” more and more of their lives, so they are prepared for independence whenever they do leave home. What are some things your older boys can own?

  • Finding a summer job

  • Paying for gas or insurance on their car or their cell phone plan

  • Cooking dinner once a week

  • Mowing the lawn

  • Doing their own laundry :)

Encouraging their independence also means that you’ve got to stop hovering over your son. Give him space to make his own choices and let the consequences of those choices play out. While they are still at home, they are in a “safe” place to step out a little and even fail. Let him try and let him fail! Do not rescue him.

Moms, I promise you, having your baby boy leave the nest is not that bad! I enjoy the man Taylor has become so much - but to get there I had to watch him go through stages of asserting more and more independence and had to trust God with his life. Embrace this season of life you are in and find delight in the changes that are taking place.

If you want to hear more about helping your older children on their way to independence, listen to episode 88 of Wire Talk - Setting Your Kids Up for Independence.