Birds on a Wire Moms

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What Are Your Non-Negotiables?

In managing your time, the key thing to remember is that not every season remains the same.  Some seasons of life are characterized by lots of time (can any of you remember your early 20s? What did we do all day long anyway?!) and other seasons are go, go, go from dusk ‘til dawn. If I know anything about mom life, it’s this: when you have kids at home, there’s always someone asking for more of your time.

So momma, you need to get in the habit of asking yourself one key question as you transition in and out of the seasons of life: What are my absolute must dos, my gotta dos, and what is just icing on the cake right now?

I like to refer to these three categories this way:

  1. Non-Negotiables

  2. Essential

  3. Bonus

Those categories might change during certain seasons of your life.  For instance, one of my bonus categories used to be work, but now it is on my non-negotiable list. It has moved up because I no longer have children in the home that take top priority; BOAW is a top priority now. Give yourself permission to flex as life changes, but remember that we spend a lot of time these days (social media, Netflix, etc.) doing things that might need to move a spot or two down the list to make time for those things that truly are essential or non-negotiable in this current season. Make your priority list and see if running your daily to-dos by your list doesn’t bring you some peace this week.

Psst: If Soar Together has made your Non-Negotiable or Essential list this year, don’t forget to register soon before the Early Bird price goes away!

Want more advice about time management from Karen? Check out these blog posts:

5 Ways to Balance the To Do List of Life

Managing Family Life Without Losing Your Mind