“My heart is for moms, to encourage them, equip them, stand beside them, and cheer them on in their journey of motherhood.”

Birds on a Wire Moms was created with you in mind. I started this ministry during a season of working at my local church when I saw younger moms all around me feeling ill-equipped and isolated as mothers. My four kids were all getting older and during that season God stirred my heart to open my home and offer myself and what He has taught me to the moms around me.

Fast forward 10 years and what started out in my basement as a weekly small group has grown into a ministry supporting moms all over the world. Women are using Birds on a Wire curriculum, reading my books, and listening to our podcast to grow and encourage one another in their journey of motherhood.

My hope is that you’ll join our community and in doing so, discover that even though you aren’t perfect, you were perfectly paired with your child by God.
Karen Stubbs is a speaker, podcaster, and author of several books including, Survival Guide to Motherhood, Moments with God for Moms, and The Art of Motherhood. She has also published multiple group studies for moms which are available through Right Now Media.

During Karen’s years as a young mom, her husband, Greg, served as a fighter pilot in the Navy. During those tough early years, as Greg served overseas, Karen grew in her reliance on God and gained a heart for mothers. Today, Karen is mother to four adult children, grandmother to five and founder of Birds on a Wire Moms, a ministry created to equip mothers with practical and biblical truth so they can parent with confidence.
Karen is passionate about challenging moms to experience motherhood in the way God intended it for both them and their families. Everything Karen does at BOAW Moms, from the curriculum and the books she writes, to the Wire Talk podcast and live speaking events, is aimed toward encouraging and equipping moms for the toughest job they will ever have: raising their children.