Birds on a Wire Moms

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Are You Ready to Potty Train?

Young moms often dive into potty training when they think their child is ready, but they forget to stop to ask if they, the mom, is ready to potty train! Your attitude, availability, and readiness to potty train are just as important (if not more important) as your child’s.

When you do decide YOU are ready to potty train, here are my tips:

  1. Pick a time when your schedule is not so busy. If you’re a teacher, choose summer! If you have a long weekend coming up and your husband or a friend or grandparent is around to help often, that may be a good time to start.

  2. Set your expectations that you will not be going anywhere or doing anything beyond potty training.

  3. I always think NO PULL UPS during the day is best!

  4. Have small rewards ready for praise after going potty, I used jelly beans or M&M’s. Some moms fill a muffin tin with various treats their child can choose from.

  5. Don’t ask your kiddo every 15 minutes if they need to go, ask every 1-2 hours, depending on how much they are drinking!

And what do you do when potty training is not going well?

Honestly moms, you may need to hit pause. You are not a failure if it doesn’t happen in a few days or even a few weeks. If potty training is stressing the mom, the child, and the whole family out, then hit pause because it’s just not working. It is okay to put it all away and try it again in a few months.

If you are in this season, or approaching this season, be sure to listen to this week’s podcast, where we answers questions from moms just like you all about potty training.