Birds on a Wire Moms

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Fighting to Endure a Sense of Overwhelm


That’s a word I hear moms use frequently to describe our current state of living.

When you find yourself completely overwhelmed by the duties of motherhood and recent world events, and you want to give up, think about what it means to endure.

Generations before us have endured much more than we have ever had to endure. Think back to World War 2 and what the Allies endured while fighting Hitler: daily bombings, food shortages, friends and family being killed on a daily basis. But, they endured and eventually came through the other side.

On the podcast this week we talked about the fact that motherhood is a marathon, not a sprint. And marathoners don’t look pretty in the middle of a race, moms. There comes a point in every long race when the runner wants to puke, sit down on the side of the road, and go home. But they make a choice to endure. Not because it’s fun and not even because they might win, but because they know they have to finish.

Endurance can look like a lot of things in a mom’s world...

  • Endurance is hanging up that holiday wreath when you feel like there’s not much to celebrate.

  • Endurance is lasting ONE SECOND longer than your toddler when they are pitching a fit and you are trying to discipline.

  • Endurance is holding your tongue in the middle of an argument with your teenager.

  • Endurance is making dinner and putting the kids to bed by yourself again tonight.

When you are struggling to endure yet another day, remember these 3 things:

  • In ALL things give thanks to God. (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

    • Thank him for your exhaustion. Thank him for the trouble in this world. In ALL things…He will change your heart when you do this and you will understand more of his character and provision for you.

  • Keep your eyes focused on God and His Word. (Isaiah 26:3)

    • Write down scripture to remind you of God’s peace or sing songs to Him.

  • Do something that brings you joy. (Psalm 51:12)

    • Decorate for the holidays, buy yourself flowers, go on a long walk, read a book, revel in something that delights your soul. That is worship!

We need to endure moms, because motherhood is a marathon that we cannot quit.