“He will tend His flock like a shepherd;
He will gather the lambs in His arms;
He will carry them in His bosom,
and gently lead those that are with young.”
Birds on a Wire Moms was created with you in mind. I started this ministry during a season of working at my local church when I saw younger moms all around me feeling ill-equipped and isolated as mothers. My four kids were all getting older and during that season God stirred my heart to open my home and offer myself and what He has taught me to the moms around me.
Fast forward 10 years and what started out in my basement as a weekly small group has grown into a ministry supporting moms all over the world. Women are using Birds on a Wire curriculum, reading my books, and listening to our podcast to grow and encourage one another in their journey of motherhood.
My hope is that you’ll join our community and in doing so, discover that even though you aren’t perfect, you were perfectly paired with your child by God.