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WT 174: Your Child's First Device with Arlene Pellicane

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WT 174: Your Child's First Device with Arlene Pellicane Karen Stubbs | Birds on a Wire

Arlene Pellicane joins us again today to talk about a relatively recent parenting milestone: giving our kids their first phone. From pitfalls we want to avoid, to steps we can proactively take to ensure our child's health and safety, we are talking about it all. This is a conversation that is relevant whether you have a 5 year old or 15 year old, so grab a cup of coffee or pop in those earbuds and join us. As always, we hope you are encouraged and equipped!

Links to Resources Mentioned on the Show Today:

Arlene’s books Growing Up Social and Calm, Cool and Connected

Cell Phone Discussion Guide for parents + middle schoolers

Wait til 8th Campaign

How Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Mark Cuban limited their kids’ screen time

Scientists Find Out What Staring At A Smartphone Does To A Kid’s Brain

Questions from today’s conversation:

  1. How old do they need to be? At what age should my kid have a device of their own?

  2. What are some ground rules parents need to think through or establish before giving their child a smartphone?

  3. What do we need to pay attention to once our child already has a phone? What do we need to watch for to be sure our child is handling the phone and the phone isn't handling our child?

  4. What about the mom or dad listening who needed this episode last year or a few years ago, and their kiddo has a phone and things are already going sideways? Is it too late for them?

Show Credits:

Hosted by Karen Stubbs and Katie Leipprandt, written & produced by Katie Leipprandt, edited by Kyle Cummings


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