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WT 192: Finding Rest In Busy Seasons

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WT 192: Finding Rest in Busy Seasons Karen Stubbs | Birds on a Wire

Prioritizing rest is hard to do throughout the year, and for moms, it can be especially difficult during the holiday season. We're going all of the places and doing all of the things, all of the time! On today’s show Karen answers questions from moms about making room in their schedules, their hearts, and in their cars, for rest this season. Whether you’re a single mom, a new mom, or just a mom of non-stop talkers, listen in and be encouraged to find rest even in the busiest of seasons.

Links from today’s show:

Give to Birds on a Wire today

52 Tips on Motherhood Fridge cards with scripture

Moments with God for Moms devotional by Karen Stubbs

The Art of Motherhood by Karen Stubbs

Past Soar Conference talks (main sessions AND break outs!) are available for download HERE

The Scoreboard of Life session from Six Truths of Motherhood (watch for FREE inside the BOAW app)

Question 1: I’m a new mom to twin 6 month olds and also a military wife. I have lots going on in life...and know it would all be so much better if I had a better relationship with God. I grew up in an extremely legalistic church that taught they were the only ones to have it “right.” When I go to Scripture, I read only what I was taught to read. It makes me feel burnt out, especially when I don’t have a ton of time!”I’ve prayed about this for the past 5 years. Do you have any resources about grace? Any suggestions for my limited moments with God? Thank you so much!!

Karen’s Answer: Hey there, thank you for writing in your question, and thank you for your service to our country as a military wife. I don’t know what religion you were growing up, and honestly it doesn’t matter, I think all religions can get legalistic and a lot of Christians can live their life trying to perform, instead of abiding with Christ and letting Him do it through you. My advice is to start reading the Bible, start in the New Testament in Matthew and just read all the way to Revelation. After you finish the NT then go to the Old Testament. When you finish, start over again. I believe that when you read the word of God, you will learn about God, you will learn what is important to him, how much He loves us, and wants a relationship with us. In the NT you will find what grace is all about. But, if that plan is too much right now, read a devotional, I wrote one for moms called Moments with God for Moms, and you can get it on our website or Amazon. As far as grace, I did a talk on Grace at Soar in 2017 and wrote the book The Art of Motherhood. Maybe that little book would help you with grace.

Question 2: My six year old yellow/red daughter talks SO much. She doesn’t stop. We even have to scold her at dinner time because she talks with food in her mouth. She talks on long drives and then is still talking when we get home. My husband and I are not yellow and it is exhausting to us! Any tips on how to deal with this? Sometimes we just need some peace and quiet. :)

Karen’s Answer: It is okay to tell your daughter that you are going to play the quiet game. There is nothing wrong with that. Even as a yellow, especially as a yellow, your daughter needs to learn to not dominate all conversations. I know she is 6, but start teaching her early. I am a yellow, and trust me, we all have to learn that important fact. You can tell her that you love talking to her, but sometimes you and daddy just need a little rest from talking.

Question 3: I’m a single mom and the holidays are especially difficult for me. There’s extra work to do, extra expenses to deal with, my son is off school, which is great, and yet that means my ability to do my job suffers. And on top of all of that - I’m lonely. I see my friends’ families celebrating traditions together and I’m jealous. I know that’s ugly, but it’s the truth. I guess I just want to know if you have any suggestions for changing my heart?

Karen’s Answer: The holidays are tough. I appreciate your honesty and reaching out. To help you change your heart, I think you have to make a choice to choose joy over sadness. When our focus is on what we don’t have then we fall prey into self pity, and self pity always leads us to a destructive place, a place full of bitterness, jealousy and yuk. Listen, I say “we” because I think we can all fall into your same situation. Focus on what you have to be grateful for: your son, your job, a home to come home to. Yes, it is hard, yes you don’t have a traditional family, but you have a family, you and your son. Make your own traditions, fill the holidays with joy and thanksgiving. I know it sounds trite, but it works.

Question 4: Christmas is just around the corner and sadly I’m already over it. I used to love this time of year so much (as a kid) and now as a mom I’m exhausted by it! A very real part of me wants to call off everything except going to church. The parties and presents and expectations of all the magical things happening...all of it lands on my shoulders. Is it even possible for moms to experience the sacredness of this season? How?

Karen’s Answer: SLOW DOWN! If you don’t want to do all the extra stuff, don’t. Seriously! Expectations? Who is putting those expectations on you? You? Your family? Your children? Friends? Whomever it is, tell them, including yourself, “I am doing a different Christmas this year, it is going to be a slower pace, not going to jump through the hoops. Try it. You might be starting your new Christmas tradition. One year I only put up ½ my decorations, and I didn’t miss any of it! Neither did my children.

Show Credits: hosted by Karen Stubbs with Sunny Williams, written & produced by Katie Leipprandt, edited by Kyle Cummings



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