Birds on a Wire Moms

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WT 030: The Top 10 Questions Moms Ask Karen

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WT 030: The Top 10 Questions Moms Ask Karen Birds on a Wire

Birds on a Wire is celebrating their 5 year anniversary this month (if you missed our bonus episode in the beginning of October, check it out now!)

To celebrate turning 5, we’re doing a week of giveaways over on our Facebook page, so if you haven’t liked our page yet, then head over to for a fun week of celebration!

We also wanted to do something special on the podcast, so we’re switching it up today and discussing Karen’s 10 most asked questions! 

Karen's Most Frequently Asked Questions: 

  1. Do you have any tips about organizing or shortcuts to make life easier?

  2. Did you do allowance? At what age and how much?

  3. What are your top tips for potty training?

  4. How did Birds on a Wire Start?

  5. How did you handle the pressure of doing everything by yourself when Greg was gone?

  6. I’m a working mom and feel guilty for not being home with my kids, any advice?

  7. How did you and your husband make time for each other when your kids were young?

  8. What should I do about having a different parenting style than my husband?

  9. Getting dinner on the table is such a struggle for me—both in finding time to cook and being able to get all the kids to actually sit down and eat, any advice?

  10. How should I make the most of my time with my teenager before they go off to college?

Moms, we hoped you enjoyed this episode of Wire Talk with Karen Stubbs! We know your time is precious, so thank for spending it with us. We hope you feel encouraged, equipped and most importantly—the peace of God.

Remember, if you have a question about motherhood visit and tune in each week to see if we cover your question. Also, make sure you check out Facebook this week for fun giveaways! Visit

Thank you moms, have a great day!