Birds on a Wire Moms

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WT 073: What Can I Do to Help My Kid's Faith?

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WT 073: What Can I Do to Help My Kid's Faith? Birds on a Wire

What can I do to help my kid's faith? This is probably a question you ask yourself all the time. Because it's important! On today's episode, Karen is answering more questions about kids and faith and offering encouragement to moms along the journey.

Question 1: I am a married mom of 4 kiddos. I am a believer but my husband is not. He is a good man and models good ethics, hard work, ect., but he does not believe in any spiritual higher power. My question: How do I best walk this walk with my children? Also, we have just started attending church, but often times I take the children by myself. Often times I am asked why he is not with us. Not sure how to answer this?! Most just believe he is working, but I know that will not be an excuse forever. Just looking for some guidance please ;). Love the podcast!!

Karen's Answer: Great questions!!! Okay, first off, thank you for sharing your personal information with your husband, that can be hard. I also want to commend you for stepping up and taking your children to church, even without your husband. Great job! You know, I wouldn’t blast to everyone that your husband is not a believer, but I would tell your closest church friends so they can pray with you. Otherwise, I would just say, “He couldn’t make it today.” and leave it at that. Keep taking your children. Keep loving your husband and pray daily that he will experience God’s deep love for him.  There is an encouraging verse for your situation. I Cor 7:14, “For an unbelieving husband has been sanctified through his wife.” vs 16 “How do you know, wife, whether you will save your husband?”

Mom, you never know what will draw your husband to the Lord, it could be your unconditional love given by God to your husband. OR it could be one of your children telling their dad what they learned in church or at a youth camp.  The Holy Spirit can work in all kinds of ways.

You can navigate culture, parent your children, and still find time for you. Learn how. 

Question 2:  Karen, what are some ways you really drove home the application of Scripture and Jesus’ teachings? Did you let their youth groups handle a lot of that? I want to help my kids cultivate their faith, but I also don’t want to be too extreme… I’m just having a hard time walking the line between asking them each day about their quiet times and not asking them at all. I am guessing there’s some ground in the middle I should be hitting.

Karen's Answer: I did not leave it all in the hands of the youth group.  Honestly, sometimes I did it well and sometimes I did not.  I will tell you this, when the mom tries to be the Holy Spirit it does not work.  Only the Holy Spirit can convict someone in love without them walking away feeling completely judged and crushed.  Live it out in your own life. People are attracted to Jesus, they can’t help it! So, let Jesus shine through you.

Question 3: How do I encourage my children to engage in the world, but also guard their hearts and minds from all of the negative images, words and messages in the world?

Karen's Answer: Go to the verse Phil 4:8,”Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable- if anything is excellent or praise worthy- think about such things." Let this verse be your guide with your children and teach it to them. Also, teach them the verse in Proverbs on guarding your heart. Proverbs 4:23 "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it."

My children would be drawn to worldly things for sure, and I would remind them of those two verses. I used to tell them that God gives us this wisdom for a reason.  It’s a choice every person must make, whether or not to listen and heed God’s advice or do what you want instead.  We can’t make that choice for our children.  But, we can guide them and then love them.

WT 002: How Do I Help Grow My Child's Faith?

Question 4: I didn’t grow up with parents who were believers, so I’m constantly wondering if I’m modeling a life of faith correctly for my kids since I didn’t have that example. What are some things I can do to show my kids that their mother is striving to be a godly woman? Not just in words but action.

Karen's Answer: I agree “actions speak louder than words”. I think the best way to show your children is to be like Jesus and show love. Believe me, you will need Jesus living in your life to exhibit unconditional love. Jesus loved and held to God’s standard at the same time, so don’t think by showing love you are just rolling over as a mom.  Sometimes loving someone is harder than it sounds because you shine light on God’s best for them.

I tried to show love to my children, give them grace and yet follow God’s guidance on disciplining them and guiding them in life.  I also would serve at church, make meals for friends in need, give to charities. But, honestly I could have done all those things and more and if I wan’t showing my children love, then it wouldn’t mean a thing.

Moms, we know your time is precious... thanks for spending it with us!