WT 228: Time Management for Mom Life


From how to sneak in time with God when your kids are home all the time to managing a move and a new baby with a spouse who has a demanding job, today’s questions are from moms struggling to manage their own needs alongside the needs of their household and their kids. Exhale deeply as you hear Karen and Sunny encourage these mamas to give themselves grace in these seasons and lower the imaginary bar you have set for yourself.

Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

Join Us at Soar Together on October 17th

Karen’s Scripture encouragement cards for the fridge

101 Moments with God for Moms cards

Moments with God for Moms devotional

The Art of Motherhood

Time Management session from the Mom Core curriculum

Related Wire Talk episodes: WT 224 (Homeschool Tips w/ Katie Leipprandt) and WT 219 (Toddler Play Ideas w/ Beth Rosenbleeth of Days with Grey)

Question 1: I’m a very busy mama of three. A 9, 6, and 2 year old. And I’m one tired very blue mama.

I am feeling like my tank is nearly empty and am craving quiet time. Mostly time with God but also just to think or hear myself breathe! My personality does NOT allow me to learn much when my kids are interrupting and running around. When the girls were in school, I used the baby’s nap time for that. But now that they’re home, nap time is my time with them without the 2 year old. I try to get up early, but they have ‘mom-dar’ and know my eyes are open and then they get up.

How do I get that time in my Bible and with Jesus? I really am that mama who would love to sit on the deck in the quiet with my Bible or devotional and coffee and take deep breaths.

Karen’s Answer:  I think because of the situation you are finding yourself this is a time where you need to adjust what your normal is and pivot to what you need most. Since your older girls are not in school, then when the two year old goes down for a nap make it “quiet time” or rest time for your 9 & 6 year old as well. They don’t have to take a nap, but they need to go to their room, play quietly, read a book, or do an art project, anything, but the key word is by themselves and on the quiet side. During this time use it for yourself. I know you say you would like to be with the older two during this time without the 2 year old, but it sounds to me, that you are sacrificing yourself which is not good. You can build in time with the older two when the 2 year old goes to sleep at night, or when your husband gets home from work, but you need to pour into yourself  on a daily basis. I would use nap time to do that. Also, put little verses around your house, to remind you of God’s truth. I think that would help too. ☺

Question 2: I’m expecting baby girl #3 in a few months. Any tips on how to make sure you’re giving each child enough attention? I’ve read some books and such but wanted to hear from other mama’s too! One of my girls needs a lot of both quality & quantity of time with me and I want to make sure I’m prepared for adding another to the mix.

Karen’s Answer: Okay, my answer might shock everyone but you can’t always give everyone the same amount of attention.  It’s not always “fair” but it all evens out in the end.  My mom told me that after I had my second child and it really saved my sanity.  As a mom, you will notice when one child needs you more than another, so pay attention to that, and in the beginning just realize that the baby will need your attention the most because he/she can’t take care of himself.  With your two older girls , I always tried to get them to be mommy’s helpers and that usually worked. Their life will change because now they are going to have to learn how to share more, and that’s okay. It’s part of life. 

Question 3:  My husband graduates fire school next week and will be looking for a job as soon as he’s certified. I’m due October 1st and feel like it will be a lot for him to start a new job, move to a new home, and add a baby in the mix. His schedule will be 24on/48off. I’d love to hear how we can make a schedule like this work with a newborn. 

Karen’s Answer: Whew! You have a lot going on! Bless you momma! Okay, first things first! Take a deep breath and just know that this will just be a season, and you will get through it. ☺ Secondly, keep in mind to do just the things that HAVE to be done.  During the first three months

I would just focus on taking care of yourself and the baby and let the majority of the other stuff wait. For instance, if you are moving, things might not get unpacked as quickly as they normally would. That is okay!  You will have time in the future to do that.  When your husband is home during his 48 hours of being off, try to enjoy that time as well.  If you can’t let the boxes go, then maybe ask a few friends, or parents to come in and help.  This is not the time for you to be Wonder Woman, so let people in to help. Hope that helps!

Question 4:   Supervising virtual school for my Kindergartner and 3rd grader now takes up the majority of my day. What tips do you have for managing ALL of the other to dos during a day? Once we finish the boys’ school day around 2pm, I’m exhausted from ping-ponging between them and haven’t accomplished anything for myself. But I feel like then I need to be working out, reading my Bible, calling a friend to check in or prepping a healthy dinner. I just feel overwhelmed. How do I help them but also find time to stay healthy, to focus on keeping my marriage a priority, etc?

Karen’s Answer: I hear you loud and clear.  I think after the school work, I would figure out what YOU need the most, and do that. Some days you might need to talk to a friend and vent. Some days you might realize you need a good workout, while others you just need to sit quietly before God and soak up His love for you.  I’d give yourself permission to not have to do the same thing every day, but to be flexible.  As far as the meal prep goes, if you will take time over the weekend to plan out your meals for the work, and possibly do a little prep on the front side, that will really help you a lot.  I know it’s a pain, but it is a game changer. 

Show Credits: hosted by Karen Stubbs with Sunny Williams, written & produced by Katie Leipprandt, edited by Kyle Cummings


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