Year End Giving 2017

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Birds on a Wire has grown exponentially this year because moms are thirsty for community and hungry for wisdom. If you're a mother, you know. We began as a ministry dedicated to encouraging and equipping moms to reach their full potential in motherhood and we have grown to the point where we now have Birds on a Wire groups in over 40 states and nine countries. Our growth is all God and is awe inspiring.

In 2018 BOAW is going on tour so that moms outside of Atlanta can experience our one of our much adored live events. I also hope to create new curriculum focused on hard to navigate topics.

Please take a moment to watch the video below and hear a little more of my heart as well as some stories from moms who have benefitted from your generosity:

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Moms are oftentimes over looked in everyday life; their struggle is real. Every day I receive messages from moms all over the world telling me that Birds on a Wire is meeting their needs. Moms write and tell me that they are better moms and have become better wives because of this ministry.  Will you support us in our growth and partner with us as we continue to minister to moms?

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