Get Creative With Community


I get a lot of emails from moms who are lonely. As a mom there are so many reasons we find ourselves longing for friendship in different seasons. Maybe you’re new to motherhood and you don’t have any friends at this stage of life yet. Maybe you recently moved for a spouse’s job and you’re stuck at home, knowing no one but your kids! Or maybe your children have moved on to a new season of life and your schedule doesn’t line up with your friends’ schedules anymore. Whatever the reason, we all find ourselves longing for friendship at some point in time. Why is that?

Well, our Heavenly Father created us for community. God himself is never alone, because He is in constant community as part of the Trinity! And we are made in His image, mommas. The desire within you and within me to be loved and to have others around us to love on is a good thing, something hardwired within us by God. We were made for community and relationship.

This past week on Wire Talk Sunny and I talked about ways our BOAW moms are building relationships with neighbors in their communities around the world. We loved sharing your creative ideas for connecting during these crazy pandemic times and hearing what’s going on in your communities! One of our favorite suggestions was the turquoise table that invites anyone to come and sit with you in your yard to just chat. Reaching out to other people and families really does make a difference, especially if you’re walking through a season of loneliness right now. Is there someone in your world this week who would be blessed by you reaching out? Maybe they aren’t a friend yet, but someone God keeps nudging you to connect with. Be brave and make the first move momma, because who doesn’t like being loved on a little bit?!