We Can't, But God Can


Each of our families has a unique set of dynamics. Whether it’s the mix of boys vs. girls, the age gap between kids, or the various personalities within your tribe, God has shaped our families in distinct ways to bring Himself glory.

Your family make up is not an accident, a mistake, or a surprise to God!

On Wire Talk this week we focused on families with just one child. And obviously, having an only child brings its own set of challenges. Instead of sibling rivalry, you might be dealing with sharing issues. Instead of personality clashes, you may be faced with the question, “why don’t I have a little brother/sister?” day after day.

The hard truth is that, as moms, we have to navigate whatever difficulty the Lord has allowed in our lives. But the good truth is that we do not bear the burden of doing this alone. God is with us! It’s a promise, momma. The author of Hebrews reminds us, “…you must be content with what you have, for he [God] has said, “I will never leave you and I will never abandon you.” (Hebrew 13:5)

God is working through our families to send a generation into this world who bear His image and who will build up His kingdom. To try and face this task without leaning into our God is foolishness!

We can’t. BUT GOD can.

I pray we all will get there as moms. To be able to rest in the knowledge that, "I can’t, but God can." Pray daily that God would give you this perspective and work through you to raise up the child you have been given.