Dating Your Husband

Think of your marriage as a 401K program; if you don’t invest along the way, when you get older, you’ll wish you had.  Like a 401K, you don’t have to make big investments, but lots of small deposits over the years add up in a good way.

I know what you are thinking, “I don’t have time for that!”  I’m going to push back and say, “Yes you do! You need to make time!”

Here are my tips on dating your husband:

  • Going on a date that is not a “normal” date is fun. It gets you out of the regular routine of going to dinner and seeing a movie. Choosing a different activity can be a conversation starter itself. For instance: Take a bike ride on your city’s beltway. It’s fun, it’s free, you get exercise, and after the bike ride you will have lots to talk about. (i.e., the scenery, different things you saw on the ride, where to go eat next, how much your butt hurts!)

  • Before your date, write down questions that are conversation starters:

    • What are your goals in 1, 5, 10 years?

    • If you had $20,000 to spend on the house, what would you do and why?

    • If you could buy one thing for me, what would you buy and why?

    • What are you learning in your spiritual walk right now? Are you in a growth stage or are things dry? How can I pray for you?

    • Let’s plan our next big anniversary trip together, where do we want to go?

    • Talk to me about your career. Are you happy? What are your dreams concerning your work?

  • Read the book 5 Love Languages, decide what each other’s love language is, and then start speaking that language. Discover your different personalities and what is important for each other.

Moms, I hope you will go on a date this week with your husband! Get a sitter, and go have some fun. Try not to talk about the kids. Remember you are investing in the future—your future together!