What Do You Do When You've Hit A Wall With Your Child?


In parenting, even our best ideas don’t always work. What do you do when you hit another wall with your child?

You get back up and go at it again.

Parenting is all about trial and error, working at it from one another, then backing up and trying a different angle until it works. You may need to adjust your methods, get advice from an outsider on where you are going wrong, or start being more consistent in your actions, but whatever you do, don’t give up!

Here’s the truth: parenting is a marathon. 

A non-runner doesn’t instantly become a marathoner over night.  Training, work, pain, time, exhaustion and feelings of defeat are all part of the process to gain strength to run a race.  In order to become strong, we have to go through the hard stuff.  Life is just like training for a race…it’s hard.  But running involves a choice. We can choose to run or not to run.  However, in life we don’t get to choose if difficult things will come your way. Difficult times will come. Your kids will test and push you. But, it is through the difficult times that your muscles are stretched and strengthened. No wonder it seems painful! What you find in the end is that you will have become a stronger woman and a more enduring mother.

Moms, this job is hard! It’s honestly the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but I’m a better, stronger woman because I am a mom. Reach out to your Heavenly Father when you are frustrated and at the end of your rope…He will give you the strength you need to continue this race of motherhood…and finish strong.

Parenting is not for the faint of heart, so don’t give up!