WT 158: Preparing Your Senior for College


On today’s episode Karen and Sunny answer questions from moms with high school seniors getting ready for graduation! We cover enjoying this last summer at home with your child, how often is too often to “check in”, what to expect on move-in day and even how to handle visits home now that your child is living independently at school. As always, we hope this episode encourages you and gives you hope!


Question 1: How do I prepare them for the secular, cultural shift that they'll experience in college coupled with the lack of direct accountability and freedom? Is there a way to make the most of the upcoming summer and use it as a platform for the freedom they'll experience this fall?

Question 2: How did you handle expenses in college that were not school related; spending money, budgeting, as this is their first time solo?

Question 3: How often should I call/text to check in (one of my daughter’s friends mom freaks out on her if she doesn't check in every night before bed...yikes!) Where’s the balance between letting them spread their wings and be independent and still maintaining a close relationship?

Question 4: How do I handle house rules when they return for holidays and weekends since they've had no rules at college?

Question 5: Practical tips on move in day how to hold it together, expectations, best practices

Show Credits:

Hosted by Karen Stubbs and Sunny Williams, produced by Katie Leipprandt, edited by Kyle Cummings


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