WT 232: The Story of Soar

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Have you heard about the Soar Conference for years but never been able to attend? Listen in as Karen shares the story of God putting a vision for Soar in her heart almost a decade ago and how this conference has evolved since it began in 2015. We hope you're encouraged to set aside the time and financial resources to make attending a priority this year, because for the first time ever - location and time are not limiting factors! You can Soar Together from wherever you are, whenever you want to this fall. 

We would love to have you Soar Together with us this year! Purchase a single access ticket or gather 9 additional moms and snag our group pricing. Check it out at boaw.mom/soar

Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

Snag your Soar Together tickets today!

Check out our 20 fantastic bonus session content providers HERE.

Show Credits: hosted by Karen Stubbs with Sunny Williams, written & produced by Katie Leipprandt, edited by Kyle Cummings


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