WT 261: Spiritual Disciplines for Moms: Practicing Sabbath


Sabbath first appears in the story of creation and again in the 10 commandments, but what does Sabbath actually look like in a mom's world? Today pastor Shireen Eldridge joins Karen and Sunny to share how practicing Sabbath helps recalibrate our hearts to love God and love the people around us better. We also dive into the practical; what does Sabbath REALLY look like in a house with young kids? Join us for this encouraging conversation!

Resources from today’s episode:

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Question 1: Sabbath is not talked about much in evangelical circles but I feel like it’s making a comeback. Can you talk about exactly what Sabbath is - uncomplicate it for us! - and where does Jesus command it for believers?

Question 2: A mom in our community wrote in with this question: “I have 4 kiddos, ages 13, 7, 2, and 1. I'm in the Word every day. I pray throughout my day. I stay away from social media, obviously not completely, but I do. We have no family to help. I have a small group and some help from church. We get dates when we can, about monthly. Our marriage is good. Money is tight. I understand motherhood is hard. I became a mom at 20. I haven't really had adulthood without motherhood.  I still feel like I don't know what I'm doing. I still feel like it's too hard.

I guess my question is: is modern motherhood enjoyable? Is there anyone in it, not with older children looking back longingly, but anyone really in the thick of it feeling like they've arrived and are thriving? I'm tired of being tired. I'm tired of battling for each day to just be good.”

Sunny: I feel like this is exactly why we need a regular rhythm of rest so much. Shireen, can you speak to what this mom is feeling?

Question 3:  Another mom wrote us asking, “I have 4 kids ages 5, 3, 2, and under 1 and my “work” never ends. I do my best to carve out short stretches of rest where I can (during kids’ nap time or getting out for an hour on the weekend) but the idea of a sabbath day seems impossible. Everyone still needs me to make meals, change diapers, discipline, teach them to get along, read books, clean up, and do laundry. Bringing everyone to church is the opposite of restful! And when my husband is home I feel like I should take advantage of the chance to get things done that I couldn’t during the week. What should a sabbath look like for me as a mom?

Question 4:  For the mom listening who wants to Sabbath, but doesn’t know how to get her family on board, what would you suggest?

Question 5: Can you share how adopting the practice of Sabbath has benefitted your mom life?

Show Credits: hosted by Karen Stubbs with Sunny Williams, written & produced by Katie Leipprandt, edited by Kyle Cummings


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