4 Tips for A Smoother Bedtime


Earlier this week on Wire Talk we answered questions from moms struggling with the nighttime routine at their house. The bedtime routine was sacred in my house because by the end of the day, I was tired, and so were my children. I worked hard all day, and I didn’t want to work hard all night as well!

If your child is struggling with bedtime, either going to bed or staying in bed, here are some ideas that might help:

  1. Have a bedtime routine that is consistent most nights. Bath, books, bed- children do better with routine.

  2. When a child acts out and doesn’t want to go to bed, it’s usually because they are getting a little older, they’ve realized they have a voice, and they want to exercise that voice. Be consistent. Don’t give into their antics.

  3. If my children got up and came into my room in the middle of the night, I would not walk them back to their beds, I would just tell them to go back to bed. I was intentional about not getting in bed with them, or doing anything else for them because I wanted them to learn how to go back to sleep on their own. (Of course, if a child is sick, that is a different story).

  4. When a child is fearful about night time, assure them everything is okay, that you are there and your house is safe. Try playing instrumental worship music softly in their room, or get a box fan or sound machine for white noise. Night lights are also great!

Try some of these tips this week and see if they help you have a more peaceful evening. Your sleep is precious too, mommas!