Giving Your Kids Space From Siblings

This week on Wire Talk we’re answering your questions about the inevitable conflict that arises anytime humans are together long enough! It comes with the territory of living in a family honestly. But when you’re around it every day, the silly conflicts that our kids initiate and participate in are enough to drive mom crazy! 

Our tendency as moms can be, “everybody play and get along,” but the truth of the matter is, that is HARD. Our kids are still developing impulse control. Yes, of course there is wisdom in making them learn to get along and play nice with one another, but I think we forget that sometimes a little space goes a long way. 

This week, my tip is to be intentional about giving your children time and space apart from their siblings. Here are two ways to go about that: 

  1. Teach your kids to have a quiet time each day. If this is a new idea, maybe once or twice a week is a good place to start. Quiet time isn’t a punishment! It’s a chance for your child to do something that interests them without taking another person’s needs or wants into account. This time could be for them to read, draw, walk the dog, build with Legos, etc.

  2. Create opportunities for your child to hang out with their friends without a brother or sister around. No, this probably won’t happen every time a friend comes over, but now and then you could help facilitate this. Friends don’t always want to include baby brother or sister! Having one-on-one time with their friend will help to grow and deepen special friendships for your child.

Conflict is a part of life, so teach your child how to work through it and compromise, but remember too that absence makes the heart grow fonder! Make some effort this week to give your child a little space from their siblings and see what happens to the conflict level in your home.