But, ______________ (fill in a love language) Doesn't Come Naturally For Me!


This week on Wire Talk, we finished up a three-part discussion on the Five Love Languages. If you haven’t listened to those episodes, I’d encourage you to go back and listen to all three, I think you will learn something!

We all have different love languages, and obviously some will come more naturally to you than others. That is okay. Here are a few tips to help you learn to speak your child’s language:

  1. If a certain language is a hard one for you, ask a friend who speaks that language to give you ideas on how to show love to your kids. Your gift-loving or word-loving friends are a great source of ideas and encouragement!

  2. Be honest and let your child know that their love language is not easy for you to do, but you love them so much you want to figure it out.

  3. Ask for your child’s help. Ask, “what can I do to show you love by Physical Touch, or Acts of Service? Teach me how to love you in a way that you hear it and feel it.”

Physical touch is my last love language, but it was Emily and Abby’s first. I had to learn and push myself to speak that language. I would ask them, “how many hugs do you need a day? Is one enough or do you need more?” This may sound silly, but I didn’t know! The girls ended up appreciating my attempt, and they would be open about what they desired. In the end, we worked it out, and you can, too.

Give yourself grace and don’t be afraid to admit you need some help, momma!