3 Tips For Moms Going Through a Family Move


Moving is hard on you, your children, and your friends. Here are 3 tips I hope will help you navigate this difficult season. For more encouragement, listen to this week’s episode of Wire Talk, where Sunny and I answer questions from moms in our community about moving.

  1. Stay engaged in the weeks/months before your move.

    Continue making time to meet up with friends and share how you’re feeling. While it may feel natural to pull away to spare yourself pain, the pain will still be there. your friends can come alongside and help you bear the burden of sadness you feel. Take time to make those “final” plans with your friends, and give your children the opportunity to do the same. Saying a real good-bye is never easy, but it gives you an opportunity to share how much these relationships mean to you.

  2. Stay connected to the people you are leaving.

    This will fall on you, not them. As much as it hurts to say, their life isn’t the one changing. They still have intact relationships and routines and they may not feel the same relational hole that you will. Make the effort to record a Marco Polo, to send a Voxer message, or to (gasp!) mail a handwritten note. Put these things in your calendar so you don’t forget!

  3. Stay optimistic about your new home.

    Look ahead, and see what the new city/state has to offer and build excitement for the new adventures in your life. No matter your personality color, doing this will give you something to look forward to, even as you mourn the loss of your old home.

Moms in our community who have moved frequently, what are your best tips for helping to ease the transition during this difficult season of life? Share in the comments so we can all be encouraged!