August starts a New School Year. Here are our Tips on How to Handle it Well.

Summer's over and it's time to send the kids back to school. It's a bittersweet time, but if you follow these simple tips and tricks, both you and your kids can ease the transition from the carefree days of summer back into the structured days of the academic year.

Pack and plan for healthy lunches and snacks for the week and the month.

The first day of school is just around the corner and you’re ready to get back into a routine. This can be overwhelming for kids, so set the tone by being consistent with routines at home. When there are fewer variables, your child will feel more stable and secure and will be able to transition back into her or his normal schedule more easily.

  1. Plan for healthy lunches and snacks for the week: To help prevent overeating or unnecessary snacking later, pack healthy lunchbox items that are balanced with good fats, proteins and carbs—and of course lots of veggies! A great trick is to put an apple in a container with an airtight lid (like Tupperware). Then fill it with water or juice so that it doesn't get mushy when squished under other lunchbox items. Another favorite is sliced cucumbers wrapped in aluminum foil—just add salt! And remember not to pack sugary sodas or juices; stick instead with water bottles filled with ice cubes if they need something cold to drink throughout their day.

  2. Struggling with dinner, too? Listen to this Wire Talk episode on dinner time; where stress often rears its head!

Reset your mood.

It's time to reset your mood. Take a break from planning and get ready to be refreshed and excited about school again!

  1. Do something that makes you happy! You know what that is—go do it, even if it's just for a few minutes. Read a book, start a new series on Netflix, take a walk around the neighborhood or grab some ice cream with friends. Whatever makes YOU happy, do it right now!

  2. Plan some time for a study. As you make your way through the school year you'll most likely be confronted with challenges. Grab my study The Six Truths of Motherhood as it tackles sensitive topics that are relevant to today’s culture. In a world that increases in speed with each year that passes, learn how to take back control of the pace of your family. 

Set up a schedule for school year sleep, morning routines, and after school activities.

I know you are ready to start school, but make sure you have your sleep schedule set. Try to get 7-8 hours of sleep at night and keep a regular bedtime routine. This can be as simple as brushing teeth, reading books, and saying goodnight prayers. It will help both you and your family members get the rest that they need before starting the next school year.

Start making morning routines such as getting dressed in an orderly fashion, eating breakfast on time (don’t forget to eat!), and packing bags before leaving home so that everything is easy to find when you need it!

Go through closets and organize for upcoming weeks.

One of the best things you can do to get ready for school is to go through closets and drawers. This is NOT the most fun, but it's necessary.

First, clean out summer clothes that have been outgrown or damaged and put them in storage, donate or toss them. Then organize what’s left by season so when it comes time to unpack, you'll know what they have.

If your students have uniforms, check them all over again by having your children wear them before school starts up again. This way, you can make sure that they fit well and are still appropriate for the upcoming school year.

Have some fun!

It can be exhausting coming up with ways to entertain your kids. We get it! But planning activities can be a great tool to break up your children's day. I've listed a couple of activities that are quick, easy, and only require items you have laying around your house. 

Get our Family Fun Activities Guide here!

We know this is a hectic time of year for parents, with back to school lists, after school schedules and new routines. The key is to do everything you can ahead of time to prepare for the upcoming season so that you’re not scrambling around at the last minute trying to get things done. I hope these tips have helped you in some small way!

Birds on a Wire is a ministry that provides Godly, practical advice so that moms at any stage can feel celebrated, encouraged, and equipped to parent with confidence. Karen Stubbs founded Birds on a Wire in 2011 to share her experiences as a mom and guide others through their motherhood journey. Through Mom Studies, books, the Wire Talk podcast, The Perch blogs, BOAW groups, in person events, and an active BOAW Mom's Group on Facebook, BOAW creates a welcoming community for moms to connect on topics that are meaningful to them. Follow us on social on Instagram, Facebook, or LinkedIn or learn more about us at
