Posts tagged Schedule
WT 126: Can You Help Me Get Some Sleep?

Moms, the feelings of guilt are REAL. We feel guilty being late to get our kids at daycare and guilty for not staying late at the office. Guilty for taking them to Chick-fil-A for dinner and guilty that we DIDN'T take them to Chick-fil-A for dinner! That's why we love what Karen has to say about guilt and how we can shake free of what can feel like a constant burden to us as mothers. We hope this episode gives you a practical way to overcome your mommy guilt and leaves you encouraged!

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WT 123: Back to School

Whether your kids have already headed back to school or the yellow bus will be rolling around the corner in the next few weeks - today's episode is for all moms with school-age kiddos. From getting out the door in the morning to checking homework at night, Karen doles out practical wisdom to help you and your kids thrive this school year. Don't miss Karen's advice for those of you suffering from volunteeritis (the inability to say no when asked to volunteer at school) and stay tuned to hear about the perfect back-to-school product you can snag at this year's Soar Conference.

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WT 114: How To Survive Summer

On today's episode of Wire Talk we are answering questions about how as moms we can make it through the dog days of summer. From how to make vacation actually feel like vacation when there's so much work involved, to helping our kids learn to entertain themselves ... listen in for Karen's practical answers and encouragement on making this a great summer for your kids and you too momma!  If you enjoy Wire Talk, subscribe in iTunes and leave us a review! And don't forget to visit for more advice and encouragement from Karen Stubbs. 

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WT 079: How Do I Manage a Growing Family?

Our families are always growing, whether it's adding new babies to the house or just our current littles growing up and discovering their unique personalities. So, as a mom, how do you feel like you've got it under control if it's always changing? Karen covers new babies, your child's growing social calendar, staying organized and carving out one-on-one time with each kid. Moms, you've got this!

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